Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Origami Folding

Crafted by Hiroko
I couldn't agree more with the saying, "patience is a virtue" especially when talking about Japanese origami folding. It is through intensive labor and precision that one must hand fold perfect corners for a thousand and one cranes to create strikingly beautiful framed designs for a traditional Japanese wedding. Folding them is the first step, the second is placing the cranes into a layout which also requires perfect hand and eye coordination, the last step is framing the design. The end result is a visually charming picturesque work of art for the newlyweds usually made by the bride or the bride's side of the family.

While usually framing two-dimensional designs are a way of displaying this type of origami, they may function as intricate statuesque designs as well.
Crafted by Judo Senseis

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