Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Childbirth Discussion

Natural Childbirth
When my wife was pregnant, we had spirited discussions about natural childbirth versus non-natural methods such as inducing labor and cesarean sections (c-sections) . The irony of it all was that we were hurled in the middle of a debate that wasn't ours. Although we were talking about the same thing, about which childbearing method is the safest for her and for the infant, we couldn't seem to see eye to eye. In the end we had a natural birth and the experience was wonderful but traumatizing for me. I was inspired by all of this to create two pieces to depict the debate.

C-Section Light
The beads nailed to the piece on c-section represents of the discomforts of medical intervention. This piece also functions as a light. It hangs in our living room as a conversation piece.

C-Section Lights off

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