Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mango Analog Camera

Film cameras have been thrown out to the curbside or orphaned in local thrift shops because digital technology is the wave of the present. As a good samaritan of elderly cameras, I have rescued a number of them with less than a $1 a day or less than the cost of a cup of coffee a day. By the time I get to them, they have been used up, banged up, and abused. With a little TLC and a roll of film, 90% of these film cameras are fully functional and they all work to earn a spot for boarding on my shelf. Some of them produce photographs that digital cameras cannot without photoshop merely by having a few light leaks and some uncertain blurring (lomography). Look at what the above Mango camera did by yielded that wonderful 8x10 photograph below that sits in my bathroom which I enjoy everyday. So yes, digital cameras can create images so crisp sharp that my eyeballs could shatter if I look at them too long, but old school film cameras are perfect for taking photos to what my eyes are meant to perceive and capturing the moment and a feeling just as well. 
Get lomo equipment:
Check out Photobox photos:

Mango Brand Film Camera

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